Acupuncture for well being and emotional balance.
Sometimes due to the load and stress of everyday life or other mental reasons, our nervous system goes into a state of constant alert without being able to let go.
Especially in the field of mental balance, we are happy to help and enable high-quality, professional acupuncture treatments that lead to the balance of the body, mind and soul.
.How acupuncture can help
In acupuncture treatments, with the help of an attentive and professional diagnosis, we will select for you a number of acupuncture points that will contribute to your balance, a refreshing spring that opens a door to peace and calm to manifest itself.
The conditions we treat at the Tel Aviv Acupuncture Center, among others, are:
Acupuncture for mental stress
Acupuncture for insomnia
Acupuncture for attention and concentration
Acupuncture for anxiety
Acupuncture for depression
what to expect from the first treatment.
In the first treatment we will talk a little, a comprehensive questioning will be carried out about all body systems, sleeping habits, diet and lifestyle. In addition, a look at the tongue will be performed along with a pulse diagnosis. After that, a picture of the situation will be given regarding the treatment method and a review of the treatment plan.
From there we will continue the treatment.
Most patients report a sense of peace during and after the treatment.
Usually after the first treatment you will feel a significant improvement, however, in order to establish long-term results, several treatments are usually required.